So much for being good…

On top of my eating out, Christmas shopping and last minute dance shoe shopping….I haven’t been so good this month.

I also bought these for myself, courtesy of the awesome blog that is Oh Joy!


I couldn’t help myself.  I mean, a lady needs things to sleep in and have at home dance parties in.  And with my coupon, really, these items practically paid for themselves. 

I cannot wait to try them on and have said at-home dance party.  Want to join?  Come in your onesie, and I can assure you there will be booze.  It is the Holiday season.  Let’s all be merry and tipsy and wear clothes that are snuggly and oversized for all that indulging.

And then in January I’ll go back to a no spend month and living at the gym.


The lessons I learned

My 31 days of No Spending are officially over.  DANCE PARTY!!!

I am THRILLED that I made it through last month.  I honestly didn’t realize how challenging it would be.  I thought it would be me bringing in lunch every day, and not ordering in pizza on the weekend, etc., but it turns out I have a major food weakness, as do my friends.  And who wants to turn down fries and drinks after rehearsal?  No. One.

On the bright side, my spending was drastically reduced by 28%!!  Who knew I had that kind of willpower?

Last month put me in a much better place financially, and it felt incredible to be able to pay down a large chuck of change on my one student loan.

This month I decided to continue trying not to spend excess money, but more no restrictions on eating out.  I’m in tech week right now.  I think I’ve said enough.

Seriously though, I miss sleeping.